events : Inter House Chaupai Vachan Competition
Session 2024-2025
Inter House Chaupai Vachan Competition
Class V
Ahlcon Public School is dedicated to providing limitless opportunities for its students to discover and showcase their talents through various means. We strongly believe in holistic education, which is centered on the all-round development of a child's personality. Reciting Chaupai from Ramcharitmanas stands as a profound expression of a child's confidence and emotional depth.
In line with our commitment to nurturing such expressions, an Inter-House Chaupai Vachan Competition was conducted in the school auditorium on May 7, 2024. The event, meticulously organized by Ms. Anita Sharma, aimed to provide a platform for students to exhibit their proficiency in reciting Chaupai from the Balkand of Ramcharitmanas.
The competition was gracefully hosted by Aryaa from class V-D and Ishita from class V-D, who guided the audience through the enriching experience with finesse.
Students showcased their talent by rendering various Chaupai, captivating the hearts of the audience and leaving a lasting impression. The performances received high praise not only from the Headmistress, Ms. Seema Soni but also from the esteemed judges.
The results of the Chaupai Vachan Competition, held on May 7, 2024, are as follows:
1st Place: Prisha Kashyap (DH) - Class 5F
2nd Place: Kyra Sharma (SH) - Class 5D
2nd Place: Ashvi (DH) - Class 5D
3rd Place: Dhriti Nautiyal (SH) - Class 5E
This event exemplified Ahlcon Public School's commitment to fostering talent and promoting cultural enrichment among its students.

Quote of the day
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”
Ahlcon Public School
Mayur Vihar Ph - 1
Delhi 110091 -
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- Phone : 91-11-46347777
- Email :apsmayurvihar1@gmail.com