Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

events : Inter House Maths and Science Quiz

Class: 3, 4 and 5
About the Activity: It was an Inter House Maths and Science Quiz Activity. Students of classes 3, 4 and 5 participated. There were 4 teams (one participant from class – 3 and two each from classes 4 and 5). The quiz consisted of total of 9 rounds. There were total of 9 rounds out of which two rounds were exclusively for class 3 participant. It was held on 11.2.25 in the school auditorium.

Eklavya House -1st
Shreyas Gaur 5E
Vivaan Chaturvedi VB
Sharanya Pandu IVA
Tanishka Sharma IVC
Aarav Aggarwal III A

Prahlad House - 2nd
Dhruvika Prasad 5D
Arnav Singh Rawat 5E
Mananya 4 C
Driti Chopra 4D
Tejas 3-A

Dhruv House - 3rd
Kaustubh Singh 5C
Aarna Jain 5B
Bhaswati Das 4D
Achintya Mishra 4D
Achintya Ujjain 3B

Quote of the day

“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”