Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

Anugoonj 2024



The Annual Cultural & Prize Distribution Show of the Preparatory Stage ofthe Ahlcon Public school for the session 2024-25 was held on the 7th September 2024 in the school auditorium. The Chief Guest for the day was RJ Naved, oneof the most popular & loving figure of the Indian radio. President Shanti DeviProgressive Educational Society, Mr. Bikramjeet Ahluwalia & Mrs. SudarshanAhluwalia also graced the occasion. The ceremony commenced with the lightingof the ceremonial lamp & Durga Stuti to invoke the blessings of the almighty.

This ceremony is a formal event in which students are bestowed with awards fortheir contribution to their Houses and excellence in various fields. The Housesthat did exceptionally well in literary & cultural fields were awarded trophies.

The award for the Best in Literary Field was won by the Prahlad House. Eklavyahouse won both the Cultural & Champions’ Trophies.The Principal Dr. Deepak Raj Singh Bisht, presented the school reporthighlighting the achievements of the students in various fields for the academicyear 2023-24.

The award ceremony was followed by the cultural events. The theme for whichwas “Globalisation- Harmony in Diversity”. The students showcased culturesof countries around the globe in the form of songs, dances & informative skits.The show left everyone mesmerised.

The Chief Guest RJ Naved in his speech praised the event & pointed out that hewas left speechless with the way the theme was depicted & with the scintillatingperformances of the students. He expressed admiration for the schoolmanagement, Principal & staff for providing best infrastructure & education tothe children. He shared his life experiences & gave a short performance that filledthe auditorium with laughter.

The programme concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Head MistressPreparatory Stage, Ms. Seema Soni.

Quote of the day

"Dream it. Wish it. Do it."