Holiday Homework
It is an undeniable fact that vacations should be utilised to the hilt wherein the learners along with their parents can break the monotonous routines and refresh their minds. Therefore, Ahlcon ensures that the holiday homework given does not become a burden for the children at any stage. It is prepared and designed in a manner to sustain the interest of the students in the subject and help them learn by doing. These home assignments are formulated in such a way that they benefit one and all and cater to the long-term interests of the pupils.

Quote of the day
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.
Ahlcon Public School
Mayur Vihar Ph - 1
Delhi 110091 -
Call us on
- Phone : 91-11-46347777
- Email :apsmayurvihar1@gmail.com