Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

From Students

  • I am very lucky to be the student of ahlcon public school. my school has make my life,it has given opportunities to prove my self,to innovate my life,i love teaching style of all teacher in my school.

    -Saba saifi
  • I was amongst the first few batches of Ahlcon back in 1988 when most of the buildings were under construction. The foundation that my teachers developed made a significant impact in my personal and professional life. I still value those teachings and want to thank all my teachers for making me who I am.

    -Ashish Saxena (Class of 1995)
  • Being my alma mater, this school has been the basic platform for me....I learnt everything here......this school has been a father as well as a mother to me....

    -Chris Mallika Bhadra
  • Our second home :')

    -Laheri Ganguli
  • Our second home :')

    -Aditi Singh
  • Best school ! :D

    -Ayush Bhattal
  • It has been a wonderful experience being a part of Ahlcon School. I am definitely going to miss all my teachers who stood beside me at all times.

  • We are fortunate that our two children Lavanya Saini (class 12th A) and Ayushman Saini (class 10th A) are studying in your school from nursery onwards. The teachers and staff of Ahlcon Public School are absolutely wonderful and all of them are very kind, courteous and passionate about teaching our children. The teachers of your school are real inspiration to them. Mere words could never express our gratitude to you. Thank you for creating a positive and supportive environment for learning

    -Parent (Neeru Saini)
  • It's a great privilege to express my gratitude as a parent to Ahlcon Public School Mayur vihar for my son's journey from Vatsal Arora (2006 - 2014 ) to Dr. Vatsal Arora ( MBBS from Mauritius) now. A greatest pride for parents as well as school. I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to the whole team of Ahlcon for their priceless efforts, support, guidance and contribution towards my son’s success. The sincere efforts of all the teachers is really commendable. I salute their strong spirit of dedication for following the impeccable disciplinary approach & providing a nurturing, academic environment that prepare students to conquer the world. Wonderful mentors. Kudos to the Ahlcon team.

    -Dr. Gitanjali Arora

Quote of the day

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." – Eleanor Roosevelt