Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

events : British VVIP Visit to Ahlcon Public School

The distinguished speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Harvey Hoyle along with his team from British High Commission and British Council visited Ahlcon Public School on 12th Oct’23, Thursday at 12.30 p.m. The visit provided a unique occasion to engage with youth and explore the impact of sports initiatives.

After the traditional welcome by the school staff and prefectorial board, they were felicitated in the conference room led by fruitful discussions on Premier League Primary Stars program and Ahlcon’s overview.

All the guests enjoyed the school tour while visiting labs, art rooms etc. Then they were invited in the ground to witness the PLPS session. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves playing with the primary kids.

Students presented the guest with the opportunity to sign two footballs. To celebrate the togetherness, they moved back to the conference room to relish the refreshments.

Overall, the visitor team was very happy with the school’s educational approach and achievements. Therefore, they provided a positive feedback for the same.

Quote of the day

Life isn’t about falling; it’s about getting back up every time you fall.

To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first. --- William Shakespeare