Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

events : Human Value Week(22.4.24 – 26.4.24)

Human Value Week at our foundational stage was a heart-warming journey of learning and compassion. On the first day, our little ones kicked off the week by taking a pledge, “Every day is Earth Day,” emphasizing the importance of caring for our planet. The second day was all about gratitude, as the children crafted heartfelt cards to thank those who have supported and helped them along the way. On the third day, the students displayed empathy towards animals by feeding cows, understanding the value of kindness towards all living beings the fourth day was dedicated to the principle that ‘sharing is caring.’ The kids enthusiastically donated books, colours, and other essentials, showcasing the spirit of giving and community. Through these activities, our young learners not only understood but also embraced the human values that shape our society.. Wrapping up the week on the fifth day, the kids learned about water conservation, practicing habits like turning off taps while brushing, taking shorter showers, and reusing water to contribute to a sustainable future.

Quote of the day

“Believe in the power of yet. You may not be there yet, but you’re on your way.”