events : Inter House Elocution (English)
Name of the Activity: Inter House Elocution (English)
Class: V
Elocution is an art or style of effective public speaking in which vocal production, gesture and delivery are emphasized. It aims to nurture the art of public speaking in students and build their confidence by including stories which have both descriptive parts and dialogue delivery.
Inter House Elocution (English) was held on 6th February 2025 for class V.
The Competition was organized by Ms. Shweta Gangwani.
The competition was anchored by Advith Bansal (V-D) and Aksh Kaushik (V-C). The participants narrated the story- ‘The Battle of Wits’.
They were judged on the basis of their pronunciation, memory, confidence and overall presentation.
First Position: Aatmaj Baral Pandey (Prahlad)
Second Position: Aryaa Kavadia (Shravan)
Third Position: Naitik Pathak (Eklavya)

Quote of the day
“Believe in the power of yet. You may not be there yet, but you’re on your way.”
Ahlcon Public School
Mayur Vihar Ph - 1
Delhi 110091 -
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