events : Team collaboration and Professionalism
DATE : 6 July 2024
DAY: Saturday
TIME:9am - 10am
PROGRAM NAME: Team collaboration and Professionalism
VENUE: School Auditorium
FACILITATOR: Mr Lucky Puchhrat
ATTENDED BY : All teachers ( Senior sec, Middle, Preparatory, Foundation), HMs
The workshop focussed on a very important 21 st century skill ie Team Collaboration. The resource person reiterated the fact that an organization is successful only if there is a good leader who knows how to work in a team. The word 'team ' is an acronym for " Together everyone achieves more" An informative ppt was shown and importance of professionalism along with team spirit was explained by giving wonderful examples from day to day life.
The workshop gave a wonderful insight to all the attendees.

Quote of the day
“Believe in the power of yet. You may not be there yet, but you’re on your way.”
Ahlcon Public School
Mayur Vihar Ph - 1
Delhi 110091 -
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