Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

events : The Inter-Section English Quiz Competition

The Inter-Section English Quiz Competition for students of Std. 1 and 2 was conducted on 23.01.25, aiming to enhance the students’ language skills and encourage a spirit of healthy competition. The event was organized in the school auditorium and witnessed active participation from all sections.

The quiz consisted of multiple rounds designed to assess various aspects of English language proficiency:

1. Word Power Round – Vocabulary and spelling skills.
2. Grammar Round – Basic grammar concepts like sentence formation and tenses.
3. Picture Identification Round – Recognizing and describing objects, animals, and scenes in English.
4. Rapid Fire Round – Testing quick thinking and fluency.

The teams competed with great enthusiasm and displayed excellent teamwork and language knowledge. The quizmasters ensured the rounds were engaging and age-appropriate, encouraging even the shyest participants to contribute.

Quote of the day

“Believe in the power of yet. You may not be there yet, but you’re on your way.”