Ahlcon Public SchoolMayur Vihar Ph - 1 Delhi 110091

Sports Club

Citius, Altius & Fortius (Faster, Higher and Stronger)

Olympic Motto not only emphasises fair participation in different sports events but also encourages the participants to aspire, achieve and excel. In order to impart the same from the very young age, Sports is an integral part of the school curriculum. With an aim to identify talent in different sports and games, the school has Sports Club. The club coaches the identified talents in enhancing their skills and performance. The achievements are taken as the stepping- stones towards being better. Students through participation in different sports events build confidence and team spirit. They learn to accept failures with grace and to learn from mistakes. Through active involvement in Inter-House and Inter-School competitions, they learn to be disciplined and develop leadership qualities which makes them balanced persons.

Quote of the day

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." – Eleanor Roosevelt